Prayers for Japan

News is just coming in that at least one of the hostages held by the ISIS Islamic terrorists has been executed. Right now, the reports are that they are offering a "prisoner" exchange for the other. Of course, the Japanese citizen being held is not a prisoner but a hostage, ISIS is not a legitimate country and Japan is not at war with ISIS. This is terrorism plain and simple. Japanese officials are said to be holding an emergency meeting at this time concerning the tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the murdered individual and the one still being held. Japan is a close-knit country, viewed by many as one, large, extended family under the benevolent, patriarchal figure of the Emperor. So our prayers also go out to Japan as a whole on this tragic occasion. We can only hope that Japan and the rest of the world will come together to wipe out these Islamic terrorists once and for all so that such despicable crimes can be stopped.

God bless Japan and Long Live the Emperor!

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