Each of these new holidays is a complete farce and are based on nothing but lies and deception. In the first place, the “Victory Day etc” holiday is based on a lie. The communists had almost nothing to do with fighting the Japanese in World War II. During the first ten years of conflict, they were content to let the Japanese and the Kuomintang fight while they sat on the sidelines waiting to strike the weakened victor when it was over (as they eventually did). There was a brief alliance between the communists and nationalists during the war but it accomplished nothing and broke down quickly. The communists never came close to winning a victory over Japan, they never even came close to having a real fight with Japan. At most, they launched nuisance bandit raids against territory behind the Japanese lines and nothing more. Even the Republic of China has no real right to claim credit for “victory” over Japan as they had been fighting the Japanese forces for ten years before 1941 and were no closer to winning than they had been on the first day. They had been defeated time and time again, their capital had fallen and their armies pushed back into the most remote and inhospitable interiors of China. All of this, of course, went on while the communist Chinese sat back and watched their nationalist countrymen carry on the fight alone.
The holiday commemorating the so-called “Rape of Nanking” is a more delicate matter but is no less dishonest. At the very least it is a lie of omission. In the first place, despite their assertions to the contrary, the evidence of the immense scale of the Nanking atrocity is highly debatable. Huge numbers of documents and photographs have been proven to have been tampered with. The first hand accounts are vastly different in their estimation of what happened and how bad it was and none of them support the ridiculously inflated numbers put out by the communist bandits in Peking. They claim that 300,000 Chinese were massacred but the first-hand accounts we have do not support such a ridiculous number. In the first place, this is more than the entire population of Nanking at the time, in the second place, one of the eye-witness accounts was from a German Nazi (who changed his story at times) who claimed that 60,000 people were killed while an American doctor put the total of both killed and missing at 6,600. That alone should be enough to raise doubts to any fair minded person as no simple error could account for such a drastic disparity amongst the claimed eye-witness accounts. From 300,000 to 60,000 to 6,600 is not an honest mistake but obvious evidence that some people were not telling the truth.
However, again, if the Chinese want to believe a lie there is no one to stop them from doing that. If they want to tell themselves that the Japanese killed 300,000 people they will do so but they cannot honestly claim there is no political motivation behind this. Otherwise, why commemorate that but not the millions of people killed by the Chinese Communist Party and its murderous policies under Chairman Mao? Why is there no holiday to commemorate the 500,000 Chinese people killed by the intentional flooding of the Chinese republican troops in 1938? If there was no political motivation behind this, even if 300,000 Chinese did die at Nanking, would it not be even more fitting to have a holiday for the roughly 45 million Chinese who died as a result of the “Great Leap Forward” by Mao and the communist party? What about the millions of Chinese who were murdered during the ten years of the “Cultural Revolution” by Mao and his communist fanatics? So many millions of people died at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party that it is difficult to count them all with any accuracy, yet all that is ignored while the same government focus on the “horror” of a claimed 300,000 being killed by the Japanese. The deaths of any innocent people is tragic and 300,000 deaths is certainly horrific but for a regime to commemorate that and arouse hatred against a peaceful foreign power while having the blood of tens of millions on their own hands is the most disgraceful, shameful, hypocrisy imaginable.